Sunday, July 10, 2005

Writin' a Rockin' Song is Tuff!

Durn It!

I have been strumming my guitar for nearly a full year now and I think it is high time I do something constructive! So I sit down to write a rockin' song, one that shall be downright phenomenal, shall express my angst, my zest for life, my opinion about the world in general and maybe push in a little bit about the environment, finance, spiritualism, books, cockroaches, How it will all be In The End(Which is Nigh, repent ye sinner), and lemme see, uh, the repressed?

Dash it all, it should not really be so hard should it? Lots of people probably do it all the time. Look at all the songs around, I mean, eh? It is not strictly necessary to have extraordinary talent, and the lyrics do not have to be diamonds of the first water either. Thus, logically all that stands between me and a bitchin' rockin' amazin' phenomenal song is some luck and a few lyrics.

Hey, all Nirvana had to do was have Cobain sing Rape Me about 17 times in a row, how hard can something like that be? Remember the Bombay Boys and Yeah Yeah? Well? Just goes to show you dunnit?

I think I shall call my song:

Rubber Chappals

Flippetyflippety flippetyflippety flippetyflippety
flippetyfloppety flippety floppety flip
And a oh and a hey and a flippety flackety flip
And the rain pours down and the screen goes blip
flippetyflippety flackety flip

Cockroaches are crushed 'neath it(Yeah!)
And the environment is degraaaded(Yeah!)
Flip Flip FLip Flip Flip FLip
But in the End, we will be graded(OOOHHH!!)
And theworldingeneralwillnotexperiencemyemotionalangstandmyzestforlife


Smack Smack Smack
Flippetyflippety Flippetyflippety FlippetyFlippety PLOP


Now I gotta do the chords.......